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Welcome to

Our Lady of Fatima Church, White City

Church Schedule


Private/Individual Prayer only

Wednesday: 10am – 11.50 am; Fri 10.15-11am; 5-6pm; Sat 10-11am

RECONCILIATION At the above time of adoration & on request

​Monday: 9:15am

Tuesday: 9.15am

Wednesday: 7:30am, 12pm

Thursday: 09:15am

Friday: 9.15am & 6pm

Saturday: 9.15am & 6.00pm

Sunday: 9am, 11am (also livestreamed) & 6pm

Parish Message

9th March 2025
1st Sunday of Lent – A Time of Test and Trial

It is now 3 years since the start of the totally senseless war in Ukraine. War is a tragedy for all sides and we have seen over these 3 years how the machinery and misery of modern warfare has cost the lives of so many innocent people, tearing families, communities and a whole country apart. It is also clear that there is deep opposition to the war on the Russian side and many of the Russian soldiers find themselves in a desperate position of being ordered to attack a people who they can see are not their enemies. There are victims on all sides. Those responsible for this tragic conflict bear a terrible burden of shame and guilt – but we also pray for them and their conversion. We believe that God can bring light of this darkness. We remember Our Lady’s message at Fatima – prayer and acts of penance leads to peace.

How well the Gospel for this first Sunday of Lent speaks to all of this. Imagine Jesus out in the wilderness for 40 days and nights. In so many ways he shares the experiences of those caught up in the heat of battle on Ukraine’s soil. He has no comforts, no food or water, he is surrounded by a barren landscape of rocks and wasteland. Imagine the darkness of the desert night and the threat of the unknown surrounding him. There is a sense of menace in the air. In these days & nights Jesus would have united himself with all those across history who live under the shadow of threat and fear. And then the battle with Satan himself – tempting Jesus with his old weapons of power and control, physical comfort and pleasure, fame and popularity. Look at the war in Ukraine and see behind it these same false values – a totally selfish desire to dominate and control another, a hunger for unrivalled power. Imagine Jesus in the wilderness contemplating all these acts of evil across human history, the terrible burden of holding all of that injustice and pain in his soul. In his battle with Satan, Jesus shows another way – of pure love expressed through self-sacrifice and service of others. This is the way to peace.

With prayers & blessings - Fr Richard, Fr Ephrem & all the parish team

“Never be afraid of loving the Blessed Virgin too much. You can never love her more than Jesus did.”

St. Maximillian Kolbe

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