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Donate to Our Parish

During these extraordinary times - Online payments are by far the safest way to donate to the parish at the moment. If you are able and would like to support the parish financially at this time, this is how you can do it:


1) Bank Transfer - You could make a bank transfer payment to our parish bank account - The details are as follows:


Account Name: WRCDT White City 

Account Number: 31264990 

Sort Code: 40-05-20


Please add your surname and first name as a reference to help our book-keeper. If you are a taxpayer, it is a HUGE help to the parish if you can gift aid your donation, which increases it by 25%. The easiest way to do gift aid is to send an email to with the following info: The name of the parish (White City); your title, first name/surname; your address & postcode; the date of your gift, or start date of your standing order; the amount; please add the line: 'Please gift aid my donations'. The Diocese Gift Aid office will email you a confirmation.


If you do not already give to the parish by Standing Order you might want to consider starting this. We can easily email you a form. Just let me know.


2) Contactless Payments - The new parish contactless payment machine is at the back of the church (in the porch) for those of you who are able to attend Mass.


3) Online Donations -  You can make a secure donation online by clicking the donate button below.






Thank you, and God Bless!


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